What is the DWI Cleansing Period Louisiana?
When facing a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge in Louisiana, it’s essential to understand the “cleansing period.” Our law office can help protect you.
When facing a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge in Louisiana, it’s essential to understand the “cleansing period.” Our law office can help protect you.
Are you struggling to find employment in Louisiana due to a DUI conviction? Learn how to overcome the challenges of a DUI conviction and find employment.
The amount listed on the settlement check is rarely the final amount you’ll receive. Debts must be paid, and if you decide to retain legal representation, you’ll need to take some money out to cover their fees.
Any person who unlawfully enters a residence with the intent to commit an aggravated crime, and in the process assaults, kidnaps, or attempts to kidnap a person, is subject to the use of force.
If this is something that you want to learn more about, read on as we break down everything you need to know about DWIs for teachers.
The laws in LA may not be as heavy on penalizing people who are driving under the influence, but keep in mind that getting caught will lead to convictions.
When a couple undergoes divorce proceedings, settling the matter of spousal support is inevitable. Whichever side of the spectrum you may be on…
It’s easy to find a criminal defense attorney, that’s true. However, it’s not as easy to find one that is a perfect fit for you. Contact Chris Stahl today.
You face serious charges if you have been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), and It’s best to stay off social media during your case.
Some people are too proud to ask for help when facing a legal case. However, if you’ve been accused of a crime in Shreveport-Bossier City, contact us today.
Hire a criminal defense attorney to help you in ways that can ensure the legal process is followed. Learn more by reading these key points.
Being accused of drug trafficking puts you in a pretty difficult situation. This is why it’s in your best interest to inform yourself on this subject.
It’s important to research a personal injury lawyer to make sure they can provide you with the best representation. Here are a few considerations you can look into when firing one.
While the court will consider a variety of considerations, let us inform you how to win a child custody case with a Bossier City lawyer.
In this article, you will learn about the ideal times to craft a will and other legal matters that may affect how you handle this integral process.
Choosing the optimal family law attorney to represent you for child custody in Louisiana can be difficult. Check out these important tips to make things easy.
While it might seem convenient to drive drunk, you have to think about all the consequences of DWI. Call us today if you find yourself in this predicament.
When looking for a divorce lawyer or attorney, remember these six important must-knows in legal custody cases: 1) Strictly follow the process. 2) Different kinds…
Going through a divorce is a tough ordeal. A good divorce lawyer helps reduce your stress, while a bad one can worsen your emotional and financial condition.
Can you refuse a breathalyzer test to avoid having the cops find out that you were driving under the influence? Read more to find out how to handle this situation.
As a parent who is currently dealing with battles for the custody of their child, it’s important to know about the types of custody in Louisiana.
Considering how common drug-related cases are, many of you may want to how to get drug charges expunged from your record. Here’s what drug convictions can be expunged.
Theft in Louisiana can be treated as both a felony and a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstance and situation. If you need representation, contact us today.
We’ve prepared three key tips that will help you protect your finances in a divorce. Our law office looks forward to helping you during this tough time in your life.
It can be difficult to remember what to do when asked to take a breathalyzer test. Read more on things to know when facing this position after being pulled over.
A person with theft charges in Louisiana must speak with a criminal defense attorney immediately. Even misdemeanors could have long-term effects.
Today we bring you the pros and cons in uncontested divorces in Louisiana. We’re going to share these with you to help you find out whether uncontested divorces are the way to go.
Despite trying your best to stay safe, sometimes, you are unlucky enough to encounter accidents. Learn about statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Louisiana.
Many people may not know that a conviction or arrest could possibly be expunged from their record. If you need an expungement in Louisiana, contact us today.
The formula for child support calculation can be a bit confusing. So here’s a simple guide for you, which you can use while consulting with your attorney.
Both DUI and DWI seem to characterize the same situation, though there are key differences every driver should know since it will impact the severity of your arrest.
Considering how serious a DUI or DWI charge can be? Christopher Stahl can represent you as one of the best criminal defense attorneys in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Crimes are often classified into infractions, misdemeanors, or felonies, with infractions being the least serious and felonies being the most serious offenses.
If you’re worried that the information on your social media platforms could impact your case, you may need to hire the best divorce lawyer in Shreveport, LA.
A Louisiana divorce laws and child custody lawyer can help you with this since the state has its own set of clear provisions about how far you can move your child following a divorce.
If you happen to be a parent, and need legal representation regarding child custody in Louisiana, contact The Law Office of Christopher M. Stahl today.
Children also have their rights, especially during divorce processes. After all, they are entitled to the protection that they need.
One of the problems with divorce is that they rarely happen amicably. It is for this reason that both parties seek the best divorce lawyers to handle their cases.
On May 5, 2021, a twelve person Bossier Parish jury unanimously found Royce Dale Allen not guilty on charges of Domestic Abuse Battery Strangulation, 1st Offense. Mr. Allen’s defense attorney, Christopher Stahl stated that, “We are very pleased with the outcome, and also very happy that the truth carried the day. Royce and I want to thank the jury for their attention and service in reaching this verdict.
You should speak with succession lawyers in Louisiana before you agree to pay off a family member’s debt. This requirement for probate in intestacy laws creates situations where people exploit others for their benefit.
SFSTs are issued by police officers who suspect those who drive under the influence of inebriating substances. Know that you have the legal right to refuse to participate in these standardized field sobriety tests.
To fully understand how Louisiana Law works, here are some of the most commonly asked questions answered for you. If you have questions contact us today.
If you figure in an accident in the state of Louisiana, you can make several claims against the defendant. This article focuses on the settlement of lost wage claims.
First-degree murder and second-degree murder both have various qualities and factors that distinctly set them apart with respect to legal writing and filing.
If you have been arrested for criminal charges in Louisiana, you need to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney in Bossier City. Call Chris Stahl today.
The whole divorce process can be quite devastating for both parties, especially among affected children. We have 5 tips on how to have an amicable divorce.
The grey divorce trend is increasing at the alarming rate of one in four people at the national level of the U.S. Let Chris Stahl help with your grey divorce.
As a parent, you may be worried that you will lose your child custody case, or that you will not be granted as much time as you used to have with them.
Divorces in Louisiana are never a pleasant experience for any family. Oftentimes, the whole process can be an emotional and financial roller coaster that affects not only the husband and wife but also the children.
When collecting evidence, the entire process of seeking the truth and enforcing justice can easily become an endeavor when considering all the correct details.
There are certain situations that will warrant the need for a personal injury lawyer, but not all will be applicable for one person. Here are some scenarios..
When you and your partner decide to divorce, dividing the responsibility for child care can be daunting. Knowing Louisiana child custody laws is imperative.
Let us help you carefully plan your estate. Since 2012, The Law Office of Chris Stahl has been writing last wills and testaments in Louisiana. Contact us today.
An experiences lawyer will guide you through personal injury cases. If you’re interested in learning the most common types, here is a guide to personal injury cases.
When children are involved during the divorce process, finding the best attorney for child custody is crucial for their well-being. Here are 4 tips to consider.
While wills and estate planning laws vary state to state: if you don’t have a will, the government will create one for you. Read why having a will is important.
A good family law attorney is capable and knowledgeable in all forms of domestic disputes. Here are 4 Reasons to Contact a Family Lawyer today.
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