Work With an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Bossier City

Receiving charges for a criminal offense can be a life-changing, humiliating, and traumatizing experience. Unfortunately, this is only the start of a long journey, and you may soon have to face a long, drawn-out criminal court process that will cost you a lot of time and money as the case unfolds.
In these situations, there is a possibility that you will lose your freedom if you do not have an experienced and reliable criminal defense authority to represent you. If you have been arrested for criminal charges in Louisiana, the lawyer you choose to work with can significantly impact the outcome you will end up with—whether you will get a lengthy prison sentence or an acquittal.
That’s why you need to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney in Bossier City.
How a Criminal Defense Authority Can Help You With Your Case
Constitutionally, you have the right to testify in your own defense. If you are not proficient in penal law, however, you may be uttering statements or doing actions that the prosecution can use against you. Ultimately, you run the risk of losing your freedom and lengthening your sentence by handling it on your own.
You also have to know court rules and procedures, such as the proper practices in the presentation of evidence and witness interrogation. Defending against criminal charges isn’t as simple as you think it is; it’s not as simple as telling the judge that you’re indeed not guilty. There are guidelines and processes you have to follow to efficiently prove your case and appeal to the judge.
What a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Do For You Before The Trial
Before your actual trial, there are many hearings that you will have to go through as your case is processed. These can be any of the following: a preliminary hearing, a formal arraignment, a pre-trial conference, and more. Although they are not the actual trial, it is wise to have your lawyer with you in these stages as they may be able to intervene early and work towards improving your odds of achieving a lighter sentence.
All of the stages in the legal proceeding can make or break your case, and the earlier you start building a solid case with your lawyer, the better. However, you also need a sound strategy in unveiling your evidence and statements throughout the proceeding—something you may not be able to achieve if you decide to defend yourself.
A seasoned and dedicated lawyer knows the complexities of building a solid defense and the best way to work around them to ensure that you receive a fair trial.
How a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Bossier-Shreveport Can Help You Protect Your Freedom
When you’ve been charged with a crime, one wrong move statement can cost you your freedom.
If you are in Louisiana and are in the middle of an overwhelming proceeding, hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Bossier-Shreveport can help you successfully prove your innocence. The whole process can be frustrating and may even drive you to make irrational steps that can hurt your case, so it’s always best to find a partner you can rely on from the start.
The Law Office of Christopher M Stahl is dedicated to protecting our clients’ constitutional rights and treating them with the utmost respect and compassion. To achieve this, we work diligently to ensure that you get the fair trial that you deserve.
Hire an experienced criminal defense attorney in Bossier City
The first steps to receiving a ruling that favors you are knowing your constitutional rights and finding a lawyer who will ensure that you aren’t denied these rights—regardless of whether you’re guilty or not guilty.
If you are looking for an experienced criminal defense attorney in Bossier City who is both professional and easily accessible to help you in your criminal case, give me a call today! Together with my fantastic staff, we are dedicated to help you and keep you informed throughout the whole legal proceeding.
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