What is the DWI Cleansing Period Louisiana?
When facing a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge in Louisiana, it’s essential to understand the “cleansing period.” Our law office can help protect you.
Please note that Family Law, Successions and Civil Disputes all require a $250 consultation fee to be paid up front. Once you submit your request you will be prompted by email with instructions on how to pay your fee.
When facing a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge in Louisiana, it’s essential to understand the “cleansing period.” Our law office can help protect you.
Are you struggling to find employment in Louisiana due to a DUI conviction? Learn how to overcome the challenges of a DUI conviction and find employment.
The amount listed on the settlement check is rarely the final amount you’ll receive. Debts must be paid, and if you decide to retain legal representation, you’ll need to take some money out to cover their fees.
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